This is the concept of the “greater good”. It is a motivation to provide something of value to another party other than oneself. True altruism is about sacrificing something for someone other than the self with no expectation of benefit – and whether this actually exists is often debated by scientists (although I know many parents who would say that it does).
As a member of BNI (Business Network International) every week the Chapter Director tells us that only one person from each profession is permitted to join the Chapter. However he doesn't mention the other policy that members are meant to represent their primary occupation.
Many of us work for companies that cover a lot of different areas – Orion started life as a cleaning company nearly 25 years ago. However today it’s primary business is waste management. Yes we still provide cleaning services, and have some very big clients, but the mainstay of our turnover comes from the waste management arm of Orion.
We all know we need to grow the chapter and as such we need to get new members to join. Having members that straddle a number of seats may not be the answer and maybe we need to start thinking about the grander scheme of things. If I could get a cleaning company to sign up to BNI City Lunch I would – I have no objection to it. In fact I can see how we could do reciprocal business. Their client base and prospect database is likely to be very different to mine – thus spreading the catchment net wider than if it were just me sitting there with two hats on. Granted I may lose some cleaning business to them but I may also gain business that is not suitable for them as well as gaining the waste management part of a contract for which they are tendering.
I therefore ask you are you willing to give up a hat in order to grow your network? Can you be altruistic?