Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Power and Respect

These are not the same.  Many people are fooled in to thinking that they are, but simply, they are not.  I don't believe they are mutually exclusive, I just know that like money and power or money and respect, you don't get respect by being powerful.

I guess you then have to ask yourself what is it that you want - power or respect?

We all know what power is - it is in the soul of all the things that we learn as we grow.  Kings, Queens, Knights, Witches, they all had power.  Yet which of these had respect.  Not many of our fairy tales or stories taught us about respect - that was left to our parents, teachers, the Bible.

Maybe that is why so many people nowadays do not know the difference or even do not know that what they want (really) is some respect.  Respect breeds respect.  Our society today has all but lost the notion.  When I was at school we had to stand up and be quiet when a teacher entered the room.  Today you cannot hear the register being called above the chatter.

Crime is more apparent due to the media but it it more prevalent - a subject for another blog me thinks.  However criminal activities happen out of a lack of respect for others.  Maybe even a lack of respect for themselves - on the part of the perpetrator.  

Hold up - I have gone off track....  Reboot: POWER & RESPECT

All I really wanted to say, I guess, is that you don't automatically get respect when you enforce power.  You may gain power through respect but enforcement is just rule and rules were made to be broken.  If you want people to believe in you and what you do, gain their respect.  Stop thinking, and believing, you are better than everyone.  Have you met everyone?

And before I go, Power is not enforced respect, if such a notion should exist, then that is what starts wars...

Friday, 1 February 2013


Learning is all about repetition. The more you hear something the more intuned it becomes.

Just think of all those song lyrics you have stored in the filing cabinet of your mind. Lyrics you didn't know you knew or lyrics you haven't heard for years. Suddenly the song comes on the radio and you find yourself singing along. Granted they might be a bit rusty, but if you were to listen again you would be singing along perfectly.

It is no different therefore when we learn a new skill. Take apprentices for example - they learn by repeatedly doing the same tasks.

Or a new language, a soft skill, technique, sport or anything else.

I realised this when to my surprise my two year old counted to eleven - completely out of the blue. I was amazed and couldn't work out why eleven and not ten. Until I realised that everyday we count the stairs as we walk up and down them - now ours is a weird house with eleven steps rather than the average 13. But hey. She can count because we do it everyday.

Then add to that she also knows that in her name L follows E as we are always spelling it to her. The more you say it, the more they hear it, the quicker they will learn.

The brain is a sponge. And we learn through repetition.