Since I updated my CV I have been told that it doesn't do me justice; and that I do not sell myself and my abilities. I also think it shows me in a different light to the person that I am - in fact I think my infographic version is probably more "me".
So I thought I should think about the attributes that make me the kind of person that you will want on your team.
In one of my first "proper" jobs I can remember my manager describing me as "intelligent with a bubbly exterior". And I think he hit the nail on the head. If I look at my recommendations on LinkedIn at least four of them mention my people skills, my ability to bring out the best in my team and my networking. Latterly I have had many positive comments on my friendliness and how customers can relate to me and trust me. I find that having a strong relationship can lead to further business, either within that account or through recommendations.
Furthermore I have a wealth of knowledge in the waste management sector. I have experience in all aspects from domestic though commercial and to healthcare waste and recycling. I have worked for Local Authorities, within the Private Sector, I have been an account manager, a business development manager, a business manager, and a sales consultant, to name but a few. I understand the sales process from the writing of specifications, answering of PQQs, attending bid meetings, writing submissions, site visits, installation and mobilisation. I have a thorough understanding of processes and procedures, of auditing and of operations. I am often thought of as an "expert" or (sadly) the "bin lady" - but I know what they mean. If people are able to call me up and ask me advice or for a referral then I know I am doing something right. And I could be the person doing that something right for your company.
I am computer literate - I can use the suite of Microsoft programmes (as it continues to grow). I mean I can even do pivot tables! I have experience of various CRM packages too. I have worked in marketing and communications and have experience of writing newsletters and press releases, I have extensive experience in social media and have written various environmental education packages, presentations and website content.
I love to train people and give presentations - to share my knowledge and help others with their understanding. I have experience of auditing and of integrating management systems.
I enjoy finding people's pain points and finding a bespoke solution for them. If that is sales - then I enjoy that too!
And so, finally, what are you waiting for?!