Friday, 14 June 2019

The Honest Environmentalist: Real Nappies; The Real Truth

I have known about Real Nappies since I worked at Crawley Borough Council, some eighteen years ago now.  I championed Real Nappy Week as part of my jobs with Local Authorities.  And as such I thought I would use real nappies when I had a baby.

I did all the research.  I looked into the different services and I bought the kit.  Late 2010 my daughter was born and we used disposables….  I just wasn’t ready and I didn’t have the energy to train/argue with her Dad about why we should use them.  I uhmed and ahhed and I wanted to try them but the closest I got was putting her in them for some photographs – and they did look lovely.  I kept on thinking about them and then suddenly she was six months and I was returning to work and I didn’t have the heart to tell the childminder.  We stayed on disposables.

I know ALL the arguments as to why we should use reusables and how much better they are for the environment and for the child.  I can remember the big nappy pins my mum used – with the coloured safety ends that clipped down. I even remember the big metal pail that mum used on the hob to clean the nappies.  So why, if she could do it, couldn’t I?

I could blame the modern world, the stresses of modern-day parenting.  I could blame peer-pressure.  At the end of the day it was my decision – it was me that left the resuables in their box (and then put them into the loft).  It was me that didn’t push the idea.  Disposables were just easier.  I felt guilty at times, knowing that every single disposable nappy that has been landfilled is still there and that we (as a family) were not helping. 

So my next pregnancy came along and I didn’t even think about it.  I also didn’t build up a stock of disposables (like I did with my daughter – part of the reason why it was SO easy to use them).  I just did what was easiest and maybe even cheapest.  I was parenting two kids on my own, falling v=over two dogs and trying to play house.  Using reusable nappies just was never a consideration.

So who uses them?  The same people that use reusable sanitary pads?  Better people than me?  People that care about the environment more than me?  I really don’t know.  Is it for wealthier people, the middle classes?  Honestly I don’t know.  I just know that it didn’t work for me.  Maybe it will work for you?

LuluSLR The Honest Environmentalist

THE INFO IN BRIEF (pun intended):
In the UK we dispose of over three billion nappies every single year – around 3% of all household waste.  One baby can use up to 6,000 nappies from birth to potty trained.  In fact the average amount of waste from a family can be halved by using resusable nappies in comparison to disposables.  Real nappies are more expensive initially and need to be laundered, however a family can save up to £500 over the 2.5 year period (and even more if the nappies are used for subsequent children)

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

I'm Just a Girl

Following on from my recent post about not hearing back from potential employers following an application, or worst still; an interview I find that I am still in the same predicament!

I am temping for work and attending interviews; those arranged by recruitment consultants tend to have speedy feedback.  However there are others whereby you are sat wondering what is happening.  

In fact I found myself feeling a bit like a girl chasing a boy that isn't interested; when does it turn into pestering?  We've all seen the film whereby Julia Roberts walks into the bookshop and asks Hugh Grant to love her; well that's me...